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Top level | pars principalis organi Short Extended |
Level 2 | zona organi Short Extended |
Level 3 | zona ossis Short Extended |
Current level | zona ossis plani |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:82472 | |
FMA:67619 | |
FMA:55268 | |
FMA:10483 | |
FMA:24010 |
zona ossis plani
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
24010 | 11291 |
zona ossis plani
zone of flat bone
13451 | 13662 |
zona scapulae
zone of scapula
13453 | 900 | part |
spina scapulae
spine of scapula
13454 | 15353 |
corpus scapulae
body of scapula
297047 | 13663 |
zona corporis scapulae
zone of body of scapula
299215 | 898 | part |
fossa subscapularis scapulae
subscapular fossa of scapula
63546 | 17146 |
pars inferior corporis scapulae
inferior part of body of scapula
63545 | 17147 |
pars superior corporis scapulae
superior part of body of scapula
297059 | 12452 |
zona partis inferioris corporis scapulae
zone of inferior part of body of scapula
299241 | 903 | part |
fossa infraspinata scapulae
infraspinous fossa of scapula
13315 | 911 | part |
angulus inferior scapulae
inferior angle of scapula
297054 | 13477 |
zona partis inferioris corporis scapulae
zone of inferior part of body of scapula
298302 | 902 | part |
fossa supraspinata scapulae
supraspinous fossa of scapula
23248 | 913 | part |
angulus superior scapulae
superior angle of scapula
23249 | 912 | part |
angulus lateralis scapulae
lateral angle of scapula
63563 | 917 | part |
collum scapulae
neck of scapula
297139 | 17151 |
zona colli scapulae
zone of neck of scapula
23266 | 916 | part |
tuberculum infraglenoidale
infraglenoid tubercle
23260 | 904 | part |
63566 | 13664 |
zona acromii
zone of acromion
23257 | 906 | part |
angulus acromii
acromial angle
63568 | 905 | part |
facies articularis claviculae
clavicular facet
13455 | 918 | part |
processus coracoideus
coracoid process
296344 | 17152 |
zona processus coracoidei
zone of coracoid process
23263 | 915 | part |
tuberculum supraglenoidale
supraglenoid tubercle
23809 | 17370 | part |
processus glenoidalis
glenoid process
319790 | 13688 |
zona ossis plani cranii
zone of flat bone of cranium
52847 | 11292 |
zona ossis frontalis
zone of frontal bone
52849 | 443 | part |
pars orbitalis ossis frontalis ; lamina orbitalis ossis frontalis
orbital part of frontal bone ; orbital plate of frontal bone
52848 | 423 | part |
squama frontalis
squamous part of frontal bone
52853 | 440 | part |
pars nasalis ossis frontalis
nasal part of frontal bone
54389 | 435 | part |
processus zygomaticus ossis frontalis
zygomatic process of frontal bone
52850 | 426 | part |
arcus superciliaris
superciliary arch
52852 | 425 | part |
tuber frontale ; eminentia frontalis
frontal tuber ; frontal eminence
52851 | 427 | part |
57423 | 452 | part |
septum intersinuale frontale; septum sinuum frontalium
septum of frontal sinus
57415 | 437 | part |
crista frontalis ossis frontalis
frontal crest of frontal bone
57420 | 441 | part |
spina nasalis ossis frontalis
nasal spine of frontal bone
75742 | 445 | part |
(spina trochlearis ossis frontalis )
(trochlear spine of frontal bone )
52870 | 13705 |
zona ossis temporalis
zone of temporal bone
52877 | 590 | part |
processus styloideus ossis temporalis
styloid process of temporal bone
52871 | 545 | part |
pars petrosa ossis temporalis
petrous part of temporal bone
55425 | 13964 |
zona partis petrosae ossis temporalis
zone of petrous part of temporal bone
268963 | 7249 | part |
labyrinthus osseus
bony labyrinth
60182 | 13965 |
divisio labyrinthi ossei
subdivision of bony labyrinth
60186 | 7261 | part |
canalis semicircularis
semicircular canal
268961 | 13967 |
divisio canalis semicircularis
subdivision of semicircular canal
60187 | 7262 | part |
canalis semicircularis anterior
anterior semicircular canal ; superior semicircular canal
60190 | 7264 | part |
canalis semicircularis posterior
posterior semicircular canal
60193 | 7268 | part |
canalis semicircularis lateralis
lateral semicircular canal ; horizontal semicircular canal
322161 | 13968 |
ampulla canalis semicircularis
ampulla of semicircular canal
60204 | 7263 | part |
ampulla ossea anterior canalis semicircularis
anterior bony ampulla of semicircular canal
60210 | 7265 | part |
ampulla ossea posterior canalis semicircularis
posterior bony ampulla of semicircular canal
60216 | 7269 | part |
ampulla ossea lateralis canalis semicircularis
lateral bony ampulla of semicircular canal
60183 | 7250 | part |
61017 | 7251 | part |
recessus ellipticus ; recessus utricularis
elliptic recess ; utricular recess
60201 | 7271 | part |
61268 | 13966 |
divisio cochleae
subdivision of cochlea
77706 | 7272 | part |
cupula cochleae
cochlear cupula
326269 | 7273 | part |
basis cochleae
base of cochlea
61269 | 7288 | part |
scala vestibuli
scala vestibuli
61272 | 7290 | part |
scala tympani
scala tympani
323093 | 7278 | part |
habenula perforata
habenula perforata
77759 | 7282 | part |
septum cochleae
cochlear septum
60198 | 7266 | part |
crus osseum commune
common bony limb; common crus
77757 | 7270 | part |
crus osseum simplex
simple bony limb
7267 | part |
crus osseum ampullare
ampullary bony limb
61017 | 7309 | part |
recessus utriculi
utricular recess
77732 | 7185 | part |
eminentia pyramidalis
pyramidal eminence
56001 | 14012 |
zona partis petrosae propriae ossis temporalis
zone of proper petrous part of temporal bone
60971 | 14013 |
paries labyrinthi ossei
wall of bony labyrinth
77645 | 14014 |
zona parietis labyrinthi ossei
zone of wall of bony labyrinth
77694 | 7172↓ | part |
promontorium cavitatis tympani
promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone of temporal bone
77695 | 7174 | part |
subiculum promontorii cavitatis tympani
subiculum of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone of temporal bone
77741 | 7253 | part |
crista vestibuli
vestibular crest
77742 | 7254 | part |
pyramis vestibuli
pyramis of vestibule
77730 | 7183 | part |
prominentia canalis semicircularis lateralis
prominence of lateral semicircular canal
8205↓ | part |
ponticulus promontorii cavitatis tympani
ponticulus of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone of temporal bone
14061↓ | part |
finiculus promontorii cavitatis tympani ; sustentaculum promontorii cavitatis tympani
finiculus of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone of temporal bone ; sustentaculum of promontory of tympanic cavity of temporal bone of temporal bone
14063↓ | part |
postis anterior
anterior pillar
14064↓ | part |
canonus fossulae fenestrae cochlearis ; tegmen fenestrae cochlearis
canopy of fossa of cochlear window ; roof of cochlear window
14065↓ | part |
postis posterior
posterior pillar
56002 | 7164 | part |
paries tegmentalis auris mediae
tegmental wall of middle ear ; tegmental roof of middle ear; superior wall
77642 | 7167 | part |
paries jugularis auris mediae
jugular wall of middle ear ; inferior wall
77692 | 7168 | part |
eminentia styloidea ; prominentia styloidea
styloid eminence ; styloid prominence
13789 |
zona labyrinthi ossei
zone of bony labyrinth
60972 | 13790 |
paries zonae labyrinthi ossei
wall of zone of bony labyrinth
79785 | 13791 |
pars cochlearis parietis zonae labyrinthi ossei
cochlear part of wall of zone of bony labyrinth
79788 | 13792 |
zona partis cochlearis parietis zonae labyrinthi ossei
zone of cochlear part of wall of zone of bony labyrinth
75371 | 7274 | part |
canalis spiralis cochleae
spiral canal of cochlea
61278 | 7283 | part |
modiolus cochleae
modiolus of cochlea
77709 | 13793 |
zona modioli cochleae
zone of modiolus of cochlea
75640 | 7284 | part |
basis modioli
base of modiolus
77710 | 7285 | part |
lamina modioli
layer of modiolus
75673 | 13794 |
zona laminae spiralis osseae
zone of bony spiral lamina
75675 | 7279 | part |
hamulus laminae spiralis osseae
hook of bony spiral lamina
75680 | 7280 | part |
lamina spiralis secundaria
secondary spiral layer
77754 | 7276 | part |
lamella vestibularis
vestibular lamella
77755 | 7277 | part |
lamella tympanica
tympanic lamella
60971 | 7169 | part |
paries labyrinthicus auris mediae
labyrinthine wall of middle ear ; medial wall
77752 | 7298 | part |
area cochlearis ; area cochleae
cochlear area
56002 | 565 | part |
tegmen tympani
roof of tympanum
77731 | 7184 | part |
prominentia canalis nervi facialis
prominence of facial canal
52872 | 547 | part |
processus mastoideus
mastoid process
55966 | 566 | part |
eminentia arcuata
arcuate eminence
75763 | 563 | part |
septum canalis musculotubarii
septum of musculotubal canal
77747 | 7292↓ | part |
crista transversa ; processus inferior tegminis
transverse crest ; inferior tegmental process; cog
77749 | 7294↓ | part |
crista verticalis
vertical crest
77748 | 7293 | part |
area facialis
facial area
77750 | 7295 | part |
area vestibularis superior
superior vestibular area
77751 | 7296 | part |
area vestibularis inferior
inferior vestibular area
589 | part |
processus intrajugularis ossis temporalis
intrajugular process of temporal bone
8303 | part |
eminentia chordae tympani
chordal eminence
55711 | 7189 | part |
antrum mastoideum
mastoid antrum
55800 | 7190 | part |
cellula mastoidea
mastoid cell
7191 | part |
cellulae tympanicae
tympanic cell
53163 | 576 | part |
meatus acusticus internus
internal acoustic meatus ; internal auditory canal
52880 | 595 | part |
pars tympanica ossis temporalis
tympanic part of temporal bone
52883 | 604 | part |
pars squamosa ossis temporalis
squamous part of temporal bone
75765 | 17022 |
apertura cranii
opening of cranium
75768 | 603 | part |
vagina processus styloidei ossis temporalis
sheath of styloid process of temporal bone of temporal bone
77697 | 7179 | part |
processus cochleariformis
cochleariform process
14071 | part |
52886 | 610 | part |
processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis
zygomatic process of temporal bone
54956 | 611 | part |
crista supramastoidea
supramastoid crest
54961 | 613 | part |
spina suprameatalis ossis temporalis ; spina suprameatalis ossis temporalis
suprameatal spine of temporal bone
57068 | 16880 |
zona ossis parietalis
zone of parietal bone
57080 | 412 | part |
tuber parietale ; eminentia parietalis
parietal tuber ; parietal eminence
52857 | 16985 |
zona ossis occipitalis
zone of occipital bone
52858 | 457 | part |
pars basilaris ossis occipitalis
basilar part of occipital bone
75747 | 458 | part |
clivus ossis occipitalis
clivus of occipital bone
52860 | 462 | part |
squama occipitalis
squamous part of occipital bone
52859 | 461 | part |
pars lateralis ossis occipitalis
lateral part of occipital bone
80358 | 16986 |
zona partis lateralis ossis occipitalis
zone of lateral part of occipital bone
52861 | 466 | part |
condylus occipitalis
occipital condyle
75750 | 472 | part |
processus jugularis
jugular process
75751 | 473 | part |
processus intrajugularis ossis occipitalis
intrajugular process of occipital bone
75756 | 487 | part |
(processus paramastoideus )
(paramastoid process )
80356 | 16990 |
zona squamae occipitalis
zone of squamous part of occipital bone
80357 | 16993 |
protuberantia occipitalis
occipital protuberance
75752 | 474 | part |
protuberantia occipitalis externa
external occipital protuberance
75755 | 481 | part |
protuberantia occipitalis interna
internal occipital protuberance
75753 | 475 | part |
crista occipitalis externa
external occipital crest
75754 | 480 | part |
eminentia cruciformis
cruciform eminence
57673 | 13591 |
zona vomeris
zone of vomer
57674 | 652 | part |
ala vomeris
wing of vomer
57677 | 655 | part |
pars cuneiformis vomeris
cuneiform part of vomer
57679 | 654 | part |
crista choanalis vomeris
vomerine crest of choana
12215 | 17894 |
zona sterni
zone of sternum
7486 | 878 | part |
manubrium sterni
manubrium of sternum; handle of sternum
7487 | 882 | part |
corpus sterni
body of sternum
7488 | 883 | part |
processus xiphoideus sterni
xiphoid process of sternum
152 items
338 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
7172 |
The promontorium gives rise to several bony ridges: (a) the ponticulus promontorii; (b) the subiculum promontorii; and (c) the finiculus.
7292 |
The clinical term cog refers to a coronally oriented osseous ridge protruding in the middle ear cavity, for which the term processus inferior tegminis was introduced (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien – New York).
7294 |
In ENT Surgery, the Crista verticalis is known as 'Bill's bar' (after William House). It separates the Superior portion of the meatus into an anterior channel for the Facial nerve and a posterior channel for the Superior vestibular nerve.
8205 |
New term; the Ponticulus promontorii is a thin bony bridge from the Eminentia pyramidalis to the Promontorium (from Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien - New York).
14061 |
The promontorium shows a bony overhang over the cochlear or round window, comprising a postis anterior (anterior pillar), a roof (tegmen) and a postis posterior (posterior pillar) as described by Bolobas B (1972 A hallószery mikrochirurgial anatomija. Könykiadó, Budapest (in Hungarian); Proctor B, Bolobas B, Niparko JK 1986 Anatomy of the round window niche. Acta Otol Rhinol Laryngol 95:444-446). For the tegmen, the term canonus fossulae fenestrae cochleae has been suggested as it forms a canopy overhanging the cochlear window (Topsakal V, Matulic M, Assadi MZ, Mertens G, Van Rompaey V, Van de Heyning P 2020 Comparison of the surgical techniques and robotic techniques for cochlear implantation in terms of the trajectories toward the inner ear. J Int Adv Otol 16:3-7).
14063 |
See note # 14061
14064 |
See note # 14061
14065 |
See note # 14061
Signature |
Type of list | T4 |
List Unit Identifier | 11291 |
Number of children | 337 (validated) |
Number of units | 152 (validated) |
Signature | 1637 (validated since 5.1.2025) |
Date: 05.01.2025 |